Saturday, February 19, 2011

Programatically Create a SQL Table with a Variable in The Name

I ran into a situation where I needed to compare an Excel table to an existing SQL table, then update the SQL table with only the missing information.  My goal was to create a temporary table, then compare and update.  The problem for me arises when more than 1 user wants to update their information at once; I am worried that using a static name for a temp table might create issues.  Here is how to create and delete a table with a variable in the name.

declare @makeTable nvarchar(max)
declare @delTable nvarchar(max)
declare @tablename varchar(200)
declare @variable varchar(20)

set @variable= 'userName'
set @tablename = 'Temp_ProjectRisksExcel_' + @variable

-- Create Tabele

set @makeTable = 'create table ' + @tablename +
      [ExecutionPlanCode] [varchar](20) NULL,
      [RiskIdentifierCode] [varchar](40) NULL,
      [RiskTitle] [varchar](250) NULL,
      [RiskDescription] [varchar](1500) NULL,
      [Occurrence] [varchar](50) NULL,
      [Impact] [varchar](50) NULL,
      [RiskConsequence] [varchar](1500) NULL,
      [Strategy] [varchar](50) NULL,
      [RiskMitigation] [varchar](1500) NULL,
      [Comments] [varchar](1500) NULL,
      [RiskRetired] [varchar](50) NULL,
      [RiskRetiredComments] [varchar](1500) NULL,
      [RiskRetiredDate] [date] NULL

-- Delete Table

set @delTable = 'DROP TABLE ' + @tablename



  1. It could be a very cumbersome task to accomplish this work without the help of this article. Thank you Patrick for sharing your problem and its solution here.

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